Once upon a time, in an ancient period of existence –
just finishing the Golden Age – somehow we as human beings of wholeness became
from one to two half with a lot of fruitages coming from this bipartition.
As for fruits: the cause is said to be a sinning about an apple, despite since than we have to squeeze the lemon separately. It is hard
to understand but the result is obvious and seems to be very common all over
the world.
That is what this blog is about: pictures of You and me,
close but separately, or, separately but close; it’s up to You.
This blog is, however, a drollery, of course.
Try to guess where the pair of photos in question was
shot or send more!
Or create and send Your own pictogram scheme!
Or create and send Your own pictogram scheme!
Play and have fun. Fantastic solutions can be found
The Adam and Eve story is going on, the adaptations are
of no end.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a special edition!